Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hair Loss

Loss of hair...... A simple solution
You Can Make Easily at Home
Hormonal changes, bad digestion, function of the thyroid gland, biotin, zinc dietary fatty acids, iodine, iron, vitamin b deficiencies may be caused by the way as; Stress, rapid weight loss, parasites intestinal fungal infections, loss of hair and other processing problems. If a big amount of hair loss, it's better to consult a doctor!

It has some natural home remedies that may be useful-

you can prepare a natural conditioner at house easily to get a healthy hair.


Treatment of banana:
Banana ,Honey and milk(3 teaspoons), an egg and 5 tablespoons of olive oil is a great hair mixed mask. rub the mix on  hair and scalp & hold for half an hour. Then use shampoo.

Treatment of the egg:
2 tablespoons water & 2 eggs, beat and mix, use the mixture for 15 minutes & then wash with shampoo. 

A little bit of honey and olive oil equaly mixed,then massage it on your hair & hold it for 30 minutes before wash.

Make a mask of 2 eggs and 5 spoons of olive oil , rub down oil soup in hair and scalp. keep for 30min before washing.

Mixture of fruit:
Take Half of a  banana, a quarter of each watermelon and lawyer and 2 tablespoons yogurt  in a blender & make a mixture, apply to the hair for fifteen minutes before using the shampoo.

Blend some strawberries, after that -mix a cup of strawberries & a yellow egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the food processor, after that aply it in your hair. Hit it up in twenty minutes then apply  shampoo .

Regular application of  coconut oil mixed with lime or lemon on hair  prevents hair loss.
Henna is also  useful to get stronger hairas well as  hair growth.

These are some naturalsolution to prevent unexpected hair loss, Hope that it will be helpful for you.

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